Source code for

import os
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("amaptor")

import arcpy

from amaptor.version_check import PRO, mapping, mp
from amaptor.errors import *
from amaptor.functions import make_layer_with_file_symbology, reproject_extent
from amaptor.classes.map_frame import MapFrame
from amaptor.classes.layout import Layout
from amaptor.classes.layer import Layer

[docs]class Map(object): """ Corresponds to an ArcMap Data Frame or an ArcGIS Pro Map """ def __init__(self, project, map_object): self.map_object = map_object self.project = project self.layers = [] self.list_layers() self.frames = [] self.layouts = [] self._index_frames() @property def name(self): return @name.setter def name(self, value): = value def _index_frames(self): self.frames = [] self.layouts = [] for layout in self.project.layouts: for frame in layout.frames: if and == # if the frame has a map and it has the same name self.frames.append(frame) if layout not in self.layouts: self.layouts.append(layout) def _get_layers_pro(self): self._arcgis_layers = self.map_object.listLayers() self.layers = [Layer(layer) for layer in self._arcgis_layers] for layer in self.layers: # set the map on the layer as a backreference = self def _get_layers_arcmap(self): self._arcgis_layers = mapping.ListLayers(self.project.map_document) self.layers = [Layer(layer) for layer in self._arcgis_layers] for layer in self.layers: # set the map on the layer as a backreference = self
[docs] def list_layers(self): """ Returns the list of layers in the map or data frame. Also available as map.layers :return: """ if PRO: self._get_layers_pro() else: self._get_layers_arcmap() return self.layers
[docs] def add_layer(self, add_layer, add_position="AUTO_ARRANGE"): """ Straight replication of addLayer API in and arcpy.mapping. Adds a layer to a specified position in the table of contents. :param add_layer: The layer to add to the map :param add_position: The position to add the layer into. The default is AUTO_ARRANGE, and available options are the same as those available on addLayer. :return: None """ if isinstance(add_layer, Layer): # if it's an amaptor layer new_layer = add_layer.layer_object = self # this helps some future operations that require knowing what map the layer is a part of else: new_layer = add_layer if PRO: self.map_object.addLayer(new_layer, add_position) else: arcpy.mapping.AddLayer(self.map_object, new_layer, add_position) self.list_layers() # make sure the internal layer list is up to date
[docs] def insert_layer(self, reference_layer, insert_layer_or_layerfile, insert_position="BEFORE"): """ Inserts a layer to a specific position in the table of contents, based on a reference layer. :param reference_layer: The arcpy Layer instance to use as the reference layer :param insert_layer_or_layerfile: The arcpy Layer instance to insert :param insert_position: the position relative to the reference layer to insert the new layer. Default is "BEFORE" (above). options correspond to those available on insertLayer in arcpy.mapping and :return: None """ if isinstance(insert_layer_or_layerfile, Layer): insert_layer_or_layerfile = insert_layer_or_layerfile.layer_object = self # this helps some future operations where layers need to know what maps they're a part of else: if PRO: layer_type = arcpy._mp.Layer else: layer_type = arcpy._mapping.Layer if not isinstance(insert_layer_or_layerfile, layer_type): raise(RuntimeError, "provided object is not an Layer instance and can't be added to a map") if isinstance(reference_layer, Layer): reference_layer = reference_layer.layer_object if PRO: self.map_object.insertLayer(reference_layer, insert_layer_or_layerfile=insert_layer_or_layerfile, insert_position=insert_position) else: mapping.InsertLayer(self.map_object, reference_layer, insert_layer_or_layerfile, insert_position) # update the internal layers list at the end self.list_layers()
[docs] def set_extent(self, extent_object, set_frame="ALL", add_buffer=True, buffer_factor=.05): """ Sets map frames to a provided extent object. In ArcMap, just sets the data frame's extent. In Pro, it has many potential behaviors. If set_frame == "ALL" it sets all map frames linked to this map to this extent (default behavior) and sets the default camera for this map so that future map frames will use the same extent. If set_frame is an MapFrame object instance, then it only sets the extent on that map frame. :param extent_object: an arcpy.Extent object. It will be reprojected to the spatial reference of the map frame or data frame automatically. :param set_frame: ignored in arcmap, behavior described in main method description. :param add_buffer: adds an empty space of 5% of the distance across the feature class around the provided extent :param buffer_factor: if add_buffer is True, then this factor controls how much space to add around the layer (default=.05) :return: None """ if add_buffer: x_buf = (extent_object.XMax - extent_object.XMin) * buffer_factor y_buf = (extent_object.YMax - extent_object.YMin) * buffer_factor extent_object.XMax += x_buf extent_object.XMin -= x_buf extent_object.YMax += y_buf extent_object.YMin -= y_buf if PRO: if set_frame == "ALL": for frame in self.frames: extent = reproject_extent(extent_object, frame.get_extent()) frame.set_extent(extent) self.map_object.defaultCamera.setExtent(extent) else: if isinstance(set_frame, MapFrame): set_frame = set_frame._map_frame_object if isinstance(set_frame, arcpy._mp.MapFrame): extent = reproject_extent(extent_object, else: raise ValueError("Invalid parameter set_frame. It can either be \"ALL\" or an instance of an MapFrame object") else: self.map_object.extent = reproject_extent(extent_object, self.map_object.extent)
[docs] def zoom_to_layer(self, layer, set_frame="ALL", add_buffer=True, buffer_factor=.05): """ Given a name of a layer as a string or a layer object, zooms the map extent to that layer WARNING: In Pro, see the parameter information for set_layout on the set_extent method for a description of how this option behaves. Since maps don't correspond 1:1 to layouts, in some cases multiple layouts will be changed. :param layer: can be a string name of a layer, or a layer object :param set_layout: PRO ONLY, but ignored in ArcMap, so can be safe to use. This parameter controls which map frames are changed by the Zoom to Layer. By default, all linked map frames are updated. If an instance or an amaptor.MapFrame instance is provided, it zooms only that map frame to the layer. :param add_buffer: adds an empty space of 5% of the distance across the feature class around the provided extent :param buffer_factor: if add_buffer is True, then this factor controls how much space to add around the layer (default=.05) :return: None """ if isinstance(layer, Layer): layer = layer.layer_object # get the actual layer object for the rest of this if an amaptor Layer is passed in. if PRO: if not isinstance(layer, arcpy._mp.Layer): layer = self.find_layer(name=layer).layer_object self.set_extent(arcpy.Describe(layer.dataSource).extent, set_frame=set_frame, add_buffer=add_buffer, buffer_factor=buffer_factor) else: if not isinstance(layer, arcpy._mapping.Layer): layer = self.find_layer(name=layer).layer_object self.set_extent(layer.getExtent(), add_buffer=add_buffer, buffer_factor=buffer_factor) arcpy.RefreshActiveView()
[docs] def insert_layer_by_name_or_path(self, insert_layer_or_layer_file, near_name=None, near_path=None, insert_position="BEFORE"): """ Not a standard arcpy.mapping or function - given a name or data source path of a layer, finds it in the layers, and inserts it. Only provide either near_name or near_path. If both are provided, near_path will be used because it's more specifci :param insert_layer_or_layer_file: :param near_name: :param near_path: :param insert_position: :return: None """ reference_layer = self.find_layer(name=near_name, path=near_path) self.insert_layer(reference_layer=reference_layer, insert_layer_or_layerfile=insert_layer_or_layer_file, insert_position=insert_position)
[docs] def insert_feature_class_with_symbology(self, feature_class, layer_file, layer_name=None, near_name=None, near_path=None, insert_position="BEFORE"): """ Given a path to a feature calss, and a path to a layer file, creates a layer with layer file symbology and inserts it using insert_layer_by_name_or_path's approach :param feature_class: :param layer_file: :param layer_name: :param near_name: :param near_path: :param insert_position: :return: """ layer = make_layer_with_file_symbology(feature_class=feature_class, layer_file=layer_file, layer_name=layer_name) self.insert_layer_by_name_or_path(layer, near_name=near_name, near_path=near_path, insert_position=insert_position)
[docs] def find_layer(self, name=None, path=None, find_all=False): """ Given the name OR Path of a layer in the map, returns the layer object. If both are provided, returns based on path. If multiple layers with the same name/path exist, returns the first one, unless find_all is True - then it returns a list with all instances. Automatically converted to work with new Layer object because self.layers uses them :param name: :param path: :param find_all: :return: arcpy.Layer object """ layers = [] for layer in self.layers: if path is not None and layer.supports("DATASOURCE") and layer.dataSource == path: if find_all: layers.append(layer) else: return layer elif name is not None and == name: if find_all: layers.append(layer) else: return layer if len(layers) == 0: # basically, we should only be here if find_all is True and find_all came up empty raise LayerNotFoundError("Layer with provided name {} or path {} not found".format(name, path)) return layers
def _export(self, out_path, layout, mapping_function, mp_function, layout_function, extension, **kwargs): """ Defines general export behavior for most map export types. Designed to be called only by other methods on this class, which will define the functions needed for this. For ArcMap documents, behavior is straightforward. An export of the given type is made to out_path. In Pro, we have a few options. If layout is an ArcGIS Pro Layout instance or an amaptor Layout instance, then only that layout is exported to the output path. If layout is the keyword "ALL" then all layouts associated with this map are exported to the output path, with the layout name appended to the path before the extension. :param out_path: The path to export the document to :param layout: PRO only, safely ignored in ArcMap. The mp.Layout or amaptor.Layout object to export, or the keyword "ALL" :param mapping_function: the function to use for export in arcpy.mapping :param mp_function: the function to use for export for an instance :param layout_function: the function to use for export for an amaptor.Layout instance :param extension: the file extension to assign the export, without a "." included :param kwargs: kwargs that get passed straight through to the exporting functions. :return: list of file paths. In most cases, the list will have only one item, but in the case of layout="ALL", the list will have many paths generated by the export. """ file_paths = [] if ARCMAP: function = getattr(mapping, mapping_function) function(self.project.map_document, out_path, **kwargs) file_paths.append(out_path) else: if isinstance(layout, arcpy._mp.Layout) or isinstance(layout, Layout): if isinstance(layout, Layout): layout_function = getattr(layout, layout_function) layout_function(layout, out_path, **kwargs) else: mp_function = getattr(layout, mp_function) mp_function(layout, out_path, **kwargs) file_paths.append(out_path) elif layout == "ALL": base_path, file_name = os.path.split(out_path) file_base = os.path.splitext(file_name)[0] layout_function = getattr(Layout, layout_function) for layout in self.layouts: output_path = os.path.join(base_path, "{}_{}.{}".format(file_base,, extension)) layout_function(layout, output_path, **kwargs) file_paths.append(output_path) return file_paths
[docs] def export_png(self, out_path, resolution=300, layout="ALL", ): """ See documentation for _export for description of behavior in each version. The specific option here is only the resolution to export at. :param out_path: The full path to export the document to. Will be modified in the case of layout="ALL". New generated paths will be returned by the function as a list. :param resolution: the resolution to export the map at :param layout: PRO only, safely ignored in ArcMap. The mp.Layout or amaptor.Layout object to export, or the keyword "ALL" :return: """ return self._export(out_path, layout=layout, mapping_function="ExportToPNG", mp_function="exportToPNG", layout_function="export_to_png", extension="png", resolution=resolution,)
[docs] def export_pdf(self, out_path, layout="ALL", **kwargs): """ See documentation for _export for description of behavior in each version. kwargs that apply to exporting to PDF in ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro apply here. :param out_path: The full path to export the document to. Will be modified in the case of layout="ALL". New generated paths will be returned by the function as a list. :param layout: PRO only, safely ignored in ArcMap. The mp.Layout or amaptor.Layout object to export, or the keyword "ALL" :param **kwargs: accepts the set of parameters that works for both arcmap and arcgis pro. resolution, image_quality, image_compression, embed_fonts, layers_attributes, georef_info, jpeg_compression_quality. In the future, this may be reengineered to translate parameters with common goals but different names :return: """ new_kwargs = {} allowed_kwargs = ["resolution", "image_quality", "image_compression", "embed_fonts", "layers_attributes", "georef_info", "jpeg_compression_quality"] for kwarg in allowed_kwargs: if kwarg in kwargs.keys(): new_kwargs[kwarg] = kwargs[kwarg] # assign any keys in the kwargs that are valid to a new kwarg dict, tossing out others. return self._export(out_path, layout=layout, mapping_function="ExportToPDF", mp_function="exportToPDF", layout_function="export_to_pdf", extension="pdf", **new_kwargs)
[docs] def to_package(self, output_file, **kwargs): """ Though it's not normally a mapping method, packaging concepts need translation between the two versions, so we've included to_package for maps and projects. In ArcGIS Pro, project.to_package will create a Project Package and map.to_package will create a map package. In ArcMap, both will create a map package. Calling to_package on the map will pass through all kwargs to map packaging because the signatures are the same between ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro. Sending kwargs to project.to_package will only send to project package since they differ. :param output_file: :param kwargs: :return: """ log.warning("Warning: Saving map to export package") if PRO: arcpy.PackageMap_management(self.map_object, output_file, **kwargs) else: arcpy.PackageMap_management(self.project.path, output_file, **kwargs)
[docs] def replace_text(self, text, replacement): """ Given a string and a replacement value, finds all instances of that text in text elements and titles, and replaces those instances with the new value. Useful for creating your own variables like {species} or {field_id} in map templates. Similar to the project-level replace_text, but behaves slightly differently. In ArcMap, replaces all occurrences in the current map document. In Pro, searches all layouts linked to the current layout and replaces the string in any text element in those layouts. :param text: :param replacement: :return: """ if ARCMAP: for elm in arcpy.mapping.ListLayoutElements(self.project.primary_document, "TEXT_ELEMENT"): elm.text = elm.text.replace(text, replacement) else: for layout in self.layouts: # in pro, iterate through Layout objects instead and replace in all layout.replace_text(text, replacement)